Local Entry
Local entries are for rodeo contestants that do not have a rodeo card with one of the sanctioned associations but still want to participate in one BCRA a year. Local contestants call a special entry line on a separate date from membership entry date.
Email: May 31 from 9am to 9pm to rpgentries@gmail.com be sure to include your full name, event and phone number - if you don’t receive a confirmation be sure to reach back out to us.
Call In: June 1 from 6pm to 9pm at 250-640-3198
Late Local Entries: June 2nd from 6pm to 9pm at 250-640-3198 (late fee applies)
BCRA Local Entry Rules:
1.15 All non-member local contestants must have entries paid by closing time or guaranteed by the local rodeo committee. 1.16 Committees shall take their own local entries. Committees will be invoiced by BCRA office for their local entries. The local entries must be forwarded to the BCRA office by closing time; Monday before BCRA call in entries of that rodeo. 1.17 When entering the team roping event, the full team must be given. If a name is entered more than twice, the last entry (3rd team) is automatically scratched. 1.18 Local Entries: An individual may enter as a local competitor once in any given rodeo season. 1.19 BCES will not take entries from anyone except members in good standing. Absolutely no local entries to be accepted without a guarantee from a BCRA member.
Important Dates: